42.2km | 21.1km | 10km | 5km | 2km Primary School Challenge
Great Victorian Rail Trail
Sunday May 11th 2025
Join us for the 4th annual Mansfield Marathon. It’s fast, flat and scenic running on the Great Victorian Rail Trail.
Junior 2km dash
The 2km Junior Dash is open to 12 and under aged children. Everyone receives a finishers medal with the top 3 in each age group awarded a trophy. Parents or guardians may accompany children under 10. The event is electronically timed so it’s a great chance for the children to try a professionally run event.
Family fun & fitness time
With 5 distances to choose from this is a great way to get the whole family active. This is also a great chance to fundraise for the Cancer Council. While you’re visiting Mansfield be sure to checkout the many other attractions on offer.
Bring your bike
If you can’t run, or maybe a marathon is not enough activity for the weekend, bring your bike. The Great Victorian Rail trail has 134kms of trail to explore. If anyone would like to volunteer as a support cyclist for the event please let us know.
Why choose Mansfield Marathon?
Mansfield is a destination town, with heaps to see and do, it’s definitely worth a weekend away. With Mt. Buller and Mt. Stirling nearby it’s a great chance to explore the High country.
The Great Victoria Rail Trail is in excellent condition, the surface is arguably the best of all the rail trails for running. There is very little slippage, it’s smooth and wide, it’s a perfect off road marathon for beginners through to elite runners.
It’s a simple out and back course, no chance of getting lost and only a few road crossings. The trail is largely flat but the few undulations are welcome with a little variation to keep the legs happy.
In a crowded calendar it’s difficult to find a date that works. The Mansfield Marathon is in May on Mothers Day so people aiming for the Gold Coast Marathon can do the half or even full marathon as a lead in event or anyone can do it knowing it won’t be too hot!
It’s run by the community for the community. Mansfield Athletics with support from the Friends of the Great Victorian Rail Trail are doing this primarily to help everyone enjoy the rail trail and improve their health and fitness. Any funds raised will be directed to the Cancer Council and local health and well-being projects.
Donate to our charity partner
Please donate to our charity partner to raise important funds to help stop breast and ovarian cancer. Click here to donate now!
Please note; the Mansfield Marathon is not organised or conducted by the Mother’s Day Classic Foundation.
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