It’s always a great feeling to finish, come join us!

Mansfield 10km

The 10km is fast and relatively flat, it’s actually a good course to run a personal best.

Starting near the head of the Great Victorian Rail Trail in Mansfield at Withers Lane, you head out 5kms, turn around and run back to where you started.

The start time of 8:10am gives you enough time to warm up, race your heart out and be back for brekky.

The temperature will be cool, around the 10 degrees mark which is optimal for fast times.

There will be a few minor road crossings, if there is any cars you will have to give way. There will be marshals to tell you to stop or go, they are there for you, not the cars.

There will be water at Pikes Road if you need it.

10km course and elevation

A good guide for 40+ runners is to try keep your 10k time less minutes than your age in years, now there’s a challenge!

A good guide for 40+ runners is to try keep your 10k time less minutes than your age in years, now there’s a challenge!